Friday, February 2, 2007


I totally support Sudi on the analysis he gave. I appreciate Fwamba fo the thougts he propagated, but i beg to disagree with him. Fwamba has used very many words to tell us two simple things, 1. He has Moi phobia 2. Anyone who has the potential and ability to lead should suppress it as long as is a son or daugter to a leader! here I pause and laugh. Fwamba should get this right eeh, Kenya is not suffering from being associated with Moi but from MOISM. Kibaki and those crop of leaders he's urging us to support suffer from Moism. Take the example of the min. for unconstitutional affairs and injustices when she was in opposition she commented that " am ready to work past midnight untill the IPPG recommendations are passed" but we see she is the 1st to defend the President when he went against the same reccomendations in appointing commissioners to ECK. The point that I want to drive home at this juncture is,it all depend which foot the shoe is whether you suffer from MOISM or being associated with Moi. All in all biblically I will prefer a PAUL(SAUL) than a JUDAH. yesteryears heroes are todays villains because they achieved what they wanted read getting to power and the (nimefika mentality) set in . So my dear friends lets look at the unfolding political terrian with caution b4 we make one sided judgements. If Fwamba is using Tedy Munovu as an example of NARC-K then I dont need to join it since I can vividly remember what Teddy did when he was the Chair of SONU, fleecing the students money with Impunity, giving themselves allowances they didn't deserve. Fwamba we have come of age to elect such crooks to be our leaders.

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