Saturday, August 4, 2007


I am a free man now,thanks to the civil society comrades and other kenyan public who joined us in solidarity.that is why i have been able to update this blogspot.its good that through comrade George Nyongesa most of you were able to learn of our arrests.the struggle is however not over.the ultimate result is to ensure that continuous protests achieve the right result-that the corrupt members of parliament dont approve their theft of 1.4 billion kenya shillings from the kenyans.later we must vote them out.the ninth parliament is no different from soddoma and gommorah.Hon.Ngilu,Hon Muite are like the servant of God Lot(genesis chapter 18).Sodom AND Gommorah must get its retribution come the general elections through your voters card.We believe and still believe that Mwalimu Mati,Cyprian Nyamamu,Okoiti omtata,Ann Njogu,Ouma Odera who were arrested earlier were right on their cause of fighting for the rights of the kenyan proleteriat.that is why even the muthaiga 10 stood in solidarity with hon Charity Ngilu since she had shown solidarity with us earlier.on behalf of my fellow friends whom we together learn a lot in the cells and out of the cells i urge my fellow Kenyans to wake up and fight against this malicious rip not relent.on behalf of the following i would like to thank you all.Philo Ikonya, Patrick Kamotho, Robert Ondari, Eddie Mwangi, Hassan Indusa ,Wangui Mbatia, Kepta Ombati, Abel Onkundi,Kelly Musyoka and myself(Fwamba NC Fwamba.its time for liberation from the hands of greedy 9th parliament.

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