Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Hello KYVA members, I am delighted to be part of this group and share ideas. Ideas that will ultimately change lives. Thumbs up to Fwamba and all the other regular contributors. Your work is not and can't be in vain. The articles are refreshing and thought provoking. I would encourage everyone to provoke our thinking. As youth, we need to stimulate our brains into thinking deeply and widely. You see, these old men that are our leaders are very dangerous people. Old men can be crafty. They can manipulate. With machinations so deep the youth will barely understand. I make a point of watching most of the political themed programs on T.V. From head of state, to 24 to commander in chief to the west wing...Much as these programs are fictitious, I like them because they give you a glimpse of the goings-on in political circles. Most of the time the authors take past circumstances such as the Cuban missile crisis and twist the dynamics to suit the modern day. So Cuba would be say Iran and the missiles would be biological weapons, I'm sure you get the drift. Back to my all these programs, all of the machinations and nasty political manouvres are done by old men. White haired, bearded old men.Not the youth. The youth never seem to have a plan. Neither are we able to see beyond our noses. That is why Uhuru and Ruto (if they qualify to be youth), did not see Moi, Kibaki and Biwot coming. Even in our society, its the old that make political manouvres. For example, do you think that the Mbarire's, Kimunya's, Mungatana's and other young politicians could have orchastrated the political coups? Was it young men and women that decided on the fate of Jesus or old scribes and pharisees? The youth are only used to achieve the goals of the old...from Brutus to Judas to our very own Nahashon Isaac Njenga Njoroge...he of the famous 'mbona hamuulizi mzee' phrase after he gunned down Tom Mboya. As young people, we must think beyond the obvious. We must provoke our thoughts. And I hope to be doing that every week, here at KYVA, in a weekly editorial called CONSPIRACY THEORIES. The purpose of which will be to provoke your thinking, not to influence it. Watch this space. Chris Naicca

1 comment:

kipkihoro said...

provoking article. We are young now, and shall be old soon.