Thursday, August 23, 2007


Poor People's President Very thoughtful correlation of Raila and the masses by Geofrey. You are very right the undoing of Raila is that the rich see him as Poor People's President. Raila represents a person who is anti-exploitation system set up by white collar thieves. Can you imagine if an Asian in industrial area had a dream that Raila has been inaugurated as 4th President of Kenya, he would jump off the bed in huff, because that is a nightmare. And there are so many Asians in Kenya, some are black skinned as you and I. See the Kenyan ruling class are the employers in this country. What do you think they feel like when they think of Raila becoming the president? They see someone who represents a problem, why because, Kenyan employers exploit employees but the employees do not have avenues for seeking retribution. So Raila represent who can institute a bill that will have to increase minimum wage and that is a nightmare to some people. You can imagine how the whites used to feel at the thought of Dedan Kimathi becoming the President of Kenya, for sure, nightmare. On that note I would also like to challenge Raila supporters to grow up and stop behaving like small kids, getting excited at the thought of mummy bringing home sweets and there you go berserk and scare away some of Raila's admirers and sympathisers. We are wired differently and some of us our make up doesnot allow to go helter skelter like a well fed calf. Some Kenyans may not be screaming on the roof top as it is habit of some of you but they are genuine supporters of Raila and they're busy influencing votes for Raila without necessarily you knowing that. Friends, however much you love Raila, politics is a game of numbers and those outside are the ones that need to be caughted carefully and persuasively not by your self-styled Raila 'damu' attitude. At the risk of behaving like the behavior I am against I have written that

1 comment:

James Nduko said...

Although this is an old post, let me ask a question: Would still assert today your view that Raila is indeed likely to be a poor people's PM, now that he is not the president of Kenya? What are your thoughts about his performance as the PM? Will Kenya be any better, if for example he is elected president in 2012? Is he truly the answer to visionary and liberating leadership that Kenya has been waiting for? Has he demonstrated, in word and deed solidarity with the poor and excluded? What do you think?