Thursday, August 23, 2007


UNMASKING THE TRUTH: WHO FEARS RAILA? BY SERO DEPASCO Habari za Geoffrey I agree with you, Kenyans have been blinded for way too Long and that's why Tribalism is still a very big factor in Kenyan Politics and society as a whole. We all know that Were it not for Tribalism Raila would have been an obvious choice in the next general elections, but we live in a society where Tribalism adn Nepotism is rampant and is the prder of the day. It's people like you and I who can bring an end to such rudimentary backward behavior which as we now has no place in Todays World. How are we going to ba able to Compete with the rest of the world if every descion we make is based on Tribalism. The Previous and Current Goverment have know htat Tribalism would polarize the Country and that gives them a chance to maintain Status Quo. We live in a society where we respect and even fear people just because they have money, even if we know that this money they now have was achieved in very unscrupulous manner. Some times we suffer and our lives negatively impacted because this same guy we now respect greatly missallocated funds that were to be used to Complete projects that would improve out lives e.g Completion of a feeder Road that would positively affect they rest of us in the community. Our mothers would be able to bring their produce to the local market to sale for some capital. Now this so called Man we now so dearly respect misallocated the Fund hence absence of the Road translating to no Capital in hte Community. We should start by giving respect and Honor to whom it's due. For the last 20 years we know the folks who have done everything so we the regular people can enjoy the space we currently have in the country. Kibaki was in government when JM, Tom Mboya, Robert Ouko amongst others were assassinated for speaking for us. Look at the Kenyan Political Landscape or goverment, where are the people who fought and are fighting for our second liberation? Where are all those University Student leaders of yester years, were they not silence by the Goverments and powers that be, where are they Now?? their fight has made if possible for us to speak now, we must give these guys the highest accolades for the fight adn we must not let them Down at this Crucial junture. I support Raila and his ODM movement where real change will come to the Country. The New Constitution with 100 day we were promised say alot on how we have been taken for a Ride once again Come December we can bring an end to this Non sense. In my opinion spoilers like Kalonzo should be thrown away to the Dogs for good. BY GEOFFREY MAKEKE geoffrey omedo wrote: The development of the Kenyan state has to override tribal jingoism perpetrated to a large extent by a conservative clique of yesterday’s cliché and elite. That Hon. Raila’s money was rejected in a Karatina Hotel seems to expose the real group afraid of a Raila presidency, not in a tribal way but rather in a capitalist way. I have always argued that Railas candidacy is one for paupers and the oppressed. His popularity is not as a result of his friendship with the rich, but rather his closeness to the heart of the nation, the people on the ground. The invisible and countless Johns, Janes, Margarets who aspire for a better country. The people who aspire to reduce political state control and manipulation, the people who wish to be honoured as being truly Kenyan and whose wish is to see a country devoid of the blatant misuse and abuse perpetrated by the ruling elite. The people who pray for full equality safeguarded by a complete constitutional order, a representative regional balance in running of the affairs of the country, and in general, a real reason to celebrate their being Kenyan. These are the drivers for a Raila presidency. The threat of a Raila Presidency cannot be felt in the masses whose sole pre-occupation is a means of sustained livelihood. Theirs is not a struggle waged for huge conglomerates of business empires that have been corruptly built over the years. Theirs is not a fear of protecting the wealth corruptly amassed over the years by the highly connected political operatives of a post-colonial Kenya. The major struggle for the rural peasantry who have learnt to appreciate the real worth of Hon. Raila is the struggle for survival. To them insecurity, poverty, corruption, disease, illiteracy remain huge impediments to their daily development. To them reports of an improved economy do not reverberate any signs of hope, but are just distant belches of a greedy elite. Which would bring us to the question? Why would a business turn away a prospective customer with all the means to pay for the service of which he is constitutionally guaranteed to receive? Does it mean that some Kenyan currency is illegal? When did the driving factor in business change from the quest for profits to a platform for sustaining political support? This scenario draws amazing parallels to the apartheid era in South Africa and the fights for civil rights of the black community in America. But in an interesting way, it clearly puts the faces to the grotesque class of the financially affluent elites scared stiff of a Raila presidency, the railaphobics. This act alone shows the motivation of this breed of Kenyans, whose sole pre-occcupation is to sustain status quo. They cannot fathom a person of complete reform credentials like Raila assuming power because they understand that the economic shortcuts that they have been taking since independence will have been dealt a fatal blow. They are shivering to their very bone, right now and using all their riches to paint him as the devil incarnate. Even Moi, a key ally of this group is scared stiff and has recently taken to courting with Kibaki to block the changes aspired by the Kenyan society. The Kalonzos of this world are simply pawns in a game of the rich, and will remain to be so. The Railaphobics beware! Your time is up and the time for truth is nigh. The country needs to begin afresh, and it will overcome. Attempts by Moi and Kibaki to win the forthcoming elections in boardrooms will come to nought. The masses will be waiting for the ballot, and they will read all you railaphobics the riot act. Kenya cannot continue being a country run by the treacherous, selfish and conceited rich. Superiority of tribe in numerical numbers does not justify a tyrannical dispensation by the majority. The people will support Raila because he is the best historical tool to break the appendages of Kenyattas regime, whom Moi pampered for his political survival. Kibaki is currently babysitting them, and the hotel owner in Karatina has exposed them to Kenyans. The clock is ticking!!!!!! Geoffrey Makeke KYVA

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